By Nightmare - 15/01/2013 14:41

Today, my teenage son taught my five-year-old daughter how to fake her own death. I walked into the kitchen today to find her lying still on the floor, covered in ketchup. She laughed when I began to scream. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 053
You deserved it 4 743

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I have to say, I do love a good prank. Cruel, yes. Well done, for sure.


They did the prank on you because they saw me smoke weed. #PrankForPenguin

10showgirl 16

This means war. Time to play dirty.

Well done to your daughter on a great performance, thankfully mine didn't do that. Time for her to exit stage left

KaiCer0 8

Best dramatic scene goes to...*insert drumroll* your daughter!

That's awesome! I'd be proud of my troll children, and then plot my revenge.

Satoaoi 13