By Anonymous - 18/07/2019 02:00

Today, my son walked in on me masturbating. Now, whenever I don't do whatever he wants, he blackmails me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 273
You deserved it 2 114

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Who's he going to tell, exactly? If you have a partner, they most likely know, and probably lend a hand occasionally. Unless they've become prudes since having a kid/s. If you do have other kids, explain that it's natural. If he tells your friends, they shouldn't give two *****, because you're an adult. Same goes for your own parents, assuming they're still on this Earth. And if he tells his friends, he'll embarrass himself more than you, because no kid should boast about witnessing their parent(s) sexual activities. Stop caving in, and punish the little shit for blackmailing you. Be a parent.

YOU'RE THE PARENT. Act like it. Own your sexuality/sexual needs and take away the little bugger's leverage. Plus, I'm sure you have naked bathtub photos.


randybryant799 20