By apparentnerd - 31/10/2009 17:32 - United States

Today, my sister is dressing up as a nerd for Halloween. She's using my clothes for the costume. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 684
You deserved it 7 887

Same thing different taste

Top comments

wtf? that's not even all that bad. people dress like squares all the time and it's pretty cute. :P

perdix 29

I could have lent her my slide rule and pocket pencil protector. Nerds rule!


so?? you're a nerd with a girlfriend!! that's a good thing!! she lives you even though you are " nerdy"

You deserve it for being fugly, u aint go no alibi

hey, dont hate! nerds are ******* ahh-mazingh

dressing up as a nerd?! nerds are normal people you know....just a bit smexier YDI for feeling ashamed of it and having a silly sister