By apparentnerd - 31/10/2009 17:32 - United States

Today, my sister is dressing up as a nerd for Halloween. She's using my clothes for the costume. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 683
You deserved it 7 887

Same thing different taste

Top comments

wtf? that's not even all that bad. people dress like squares all the time and it's pretty cute. :P

perdix 29

I could have lent her my slide rule and pocket pencil protector. Nerds rule!


Today, a kid came to my door dressed as a "nerd". . .He got extra candy. Oh, sure, I could have afforded to give them all extra candy (and still have shitloads left over). Don't worry. Soon you'll be able to do the same.

lol my friend dresses up as a nerd 4 halloween 2day!!

That's not really an FML. A lot of people have at least one article of nerdy clothing. It all depends on how you put the clothes together. BTW, a lot of people this year dressed up as nerds this year.

Dress like a "*****" and use her clothes.

I fail to see the point nerds are cool and besides just b/c you dress like a nerd doesn't necessarily mean your a nerd just pick better clothes, wait nerds are cute ?? I'm a nerd and people look at me weird or stare at me, guess i don't have the look then =( nerds FTW !!

actually nerds arent cool hence the term "nerds" theyre just kinda dont have friends or a life and are really smart. Your not a nerd if you're smart. You are a nerd if you carry pocket protecters around and have no apparent life 8B

Ketsuhime 0

nerds are awesome! (and sometimes even hot) so don't be ashamed ;)

i had the opposite problem i couldn't find any nerdy clothes