By caughtontape - 22/03/2009 23:06 - United States

Today, my school handed out the new yearbook. I was so excited to be on the cover page in a group shot with all my friends until I realized that I was having a boner at the time the pic was taken. These books go out to the whole school. Everyone noticed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 93 303
You deserved it 20 608

Same thing different taste

Taking pictures

By Anonymous - 05/12/2019 14:00

Today, I was teaching a high school calculus class. I wrote a complex formula on the board. As I wrote, students asked if they could take a picture of the board and circulate it. I said yes, and I was pleased as everybody seemed to be taking pictures. Soon, I realized why: my skirt was tucked into my underwear. Within a few minutes, every student in the school had an email with a picture of my ugliest pair of floral-printed panties. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 222
You deserved it 477

Top comments

Well if a girl ever says you can't keep it up, pull out the book, point and comment that, "that boner is still rocking out."

Guiseppi 0

That's unfortunate. Unless you're really big.


yeahreally 6

way to go yearbook editors! lol those douchebags

TheEpicScrewup 0

It is possible that yearbooks are out this early. Mine will be out soon, actually, since I get out in May. Probaby early to mid April. Spring sports for us are in the next year's yearbook. Sucks for the seniors, but...oh well. OP- Change your name and move somewhere no one will ever find you. Like Greenland or Alaska. But for real, good luck. I feel very sorry for you.

I'm calling BS too. but not for all the same reasons as 45. 1. Yes, yearbooks do come out around April and right now they are being printed. I was on yearbook. 2. Spring items come out in a supplement usually mailed to students in June or July. 3. I find it hard to believe that the yearbook editors would choose to highlight only a group of students on the front cover. It's usually all or nothing.

Yeah, I was a former yearbook editor too. It just depends on how the school works and what not, whenever the yearbook comes out. Ours included everything in the school year, including graduation. All the yearbooks would be mailed out August/September of the following year (so seniors aren't screwed). Also, there are MANY mistakes that come by after we send everything out. It's physically impossible to catch everything. Granted, if it was the cover page, you would think someone would pay more close attention. However, mistakes are mistakes, and they happen more often than you would think. And #69, I'm thinking it's the cover page, not the front cover. Our yearbook had only a group of students in the cover page as well.

kapowi 0

#45, you're incredibly ignorant. Calling some BS on you: - First of all, just because your school doesn't have their yearbook out until later, doesn't mean other schools don't. That is the most ignorant thing I have ever heard. You remind me of some stupid person shouting out "OH GUYS I HAVE MY YEARBOOK, THAT MEANS EVERYONE HAS TO AS WELL". Schools are different, FYI. My old high school got our yearbooks in March. Are you going to call out BS on me? My yearbook didn't include spring sports, we had the school newspaper for that. Oh no, are you going to call out more BS? Because surely since I got my yearbook in March, I'm full of crap. - Secondly, the editing system for each school's yearbook is different. At my old school, the staff didn't have the time to be looking over every detail. So the yearbook class went over and edited through everything. And that picture could very well go by unnoticed. Not everyone has the time to criticize every detail. So I suggest instead of making ignorant comments, do your research first. Might help in the long run. OP- That sucks, but at least it's something you can laugh off, right? I agree with what some of the other people were saying about telling girls you certainly can pull off quite the boner *laughs* Good luck!

you should ask people if they want you to sign your boner on their yearbooks


DeeJayD 0

This is why whenever I'm in a group photo, I have my hands in front of my crotch. Just in case.