By wowimscrewed - 14/04/2011 04:37 - United States

Today, my roommate told me there is some restricted number that keeps calling and waking her up at odd hours of the night. She then says she's getting the police involved to find out who it is because she feels "harassed". I'm the restricted caller calling to wake her up from snoring so loud. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 629
You deserved it 32 840

Same thing different taste

Top comments

stayawakee 0

Don't call on restricted? Or how abou actually telling her since she's your roommate.

police have better things to do, like catching "actual" criminals. Grow a pair of overies and tell your roommate she snores


my boyfriend snores too. I usually elbow him in the side and he apologizes. it's even funnier to watch though cause he actually snores so loud he wakes himself up.

MrGold 0

What's up EG. Nice tat, I was confused at first at what it was then I saw the barrel pointing the other way. lol

MegamiKaosu 28

my fiancé snores when he's sleeping good same with me bit it's light I pinch his nose for a sec and he stops for a bit. if my dad was on the couch sleeping u just poked him he'd stop

wellinever 5

Quite right, just tell her what you told all of us. She won't like it, but it's better than letting her think she's got a predatory stalker.

stayawakee 0

Don't call on restricted? Or how abou actually telling her since she's your roommate.

YDI. You shouldn't be calling at odd hours of the night. Instead, you should talk to her in the daytime about this problem. Disrupting her sleep is not going to stop her from disrupting yours.

FMLsOhilarious 6

Why'd you have to call her if she's your roommate? A bucket of ice cold water or smacking her with a pillow would've done the trick.

notquite69 0

Not only are you passive-aggressive bitch, you're not solving anything.