By peteswentzbass - 26/01/2013 17:18 - Netherlands - Nuenen

Today, my roommate and I noticed a foul smell in our apartment. After looking around for a little while, I found that her cat had pooped on a pair of my jeans, and apparently tried to cover it up by dragging a shirt over the mess. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 017
You deserved it 3 406

Same thing different taste

Top comments

They're in deep shirt- I mean shit-- I mean your shirt's in shit- I mean this is nothing short of shit. The cat's out of the bag and into a pair of jeans so skidmarked you'd think the formula one was on.

Sure her "cat" covered it up. She probably found it, and threw a shirt over it.


cgstarz790 3

Her "cat" Suuuuure Ms. Poopee Pants

Maria_Obligacia 14

The cat probably did it on purpose, to mark his territory and show you who is boss. If you try harassing the cat in reciprocation, he'll do even worse. Talk to your roommate and ask her to seek help and advice from a vet. I assume, moving out is not an option for you?

jaystreet46 4

YDI for being hairy nobody wants hair I their fish taco.

I tried to make it look like the cat did it, sorry.

Okay hold up. Your roommate or the cat? If the cat is the answer, then that's a smart ass cat. I wish I had a smart pet.

and now you know why people ******* hate cats. because they are little pieces of *****

HorrorJr 26

Were you wearing said jeans and shirt ?