By Sally - 13/07/2010 09:22 - United States

Today, my parents were ecstatic about sending me to an amazingly fun camp. I didn't know until I got there that it was a fat camp. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 940
You deserved it 13 299

Same thing different taste

Top comments

they were just trying to help you, and make the decision to loose weight for you seeing as you clearly didn't. so YDI unless of course you aren't fat? :/ then FYL


well at least you now will lose weight, right?

GermanBoy0_0 0

Nahh they would probably break the bed if they tried

You must be pretty fat Fatty Fatterson. Eat this, not that !!

ladies_man217 0

boohoo they wan you to lose weight and have a healthier life. ydi if you're fat..

ItsAlexFool 0

I'm saying YDI for not attempting to find out any information on your own (besides what your parents told you about it), prior to your arrival.

Foxracingluver 0

it's not "ydi" if ur fat.. sumtimes being over weight is generic. but anyways now take the opportunity to get in shape!

Genetic. Get it right. And it's not genetic. it's environmental. You're persuaded by your surroundings. Fatness doesn't run in genes. The proneness to obesity does, but it's avoidable with the appropriate food consumption and life style. They can change their body with the right ethics. Thus, the fat camp.

Actually, there are studies that say genetics make some people more likely to be overweight. I have seen lots of skinny people who eat like shit all the time and don't work out and yet they're obviously not fat; that's genetics working in a good way. Then they are some people who can eat good amd exercise and they're still overweight.

"proneness to obesity" = "likely to be overweight" Moar reading comprehension, plz.

its_tuesday 6

43, metabolism runs in genes. people who have a higher metabolism are more prone to be skinny, and people with a slower metabolism are prone to being overweight. people with a slower metabolism can avoid being overweight with diet and exercise but not always. and also did anyone ever consider the parents behavior being a contributing factor to their child's weight problem assuming op has a weight issue?

not only is there genetic factors that can cause this. but. you can't always blame genetics or "I'm big boned" like many Americans say. America is the fattest country ever. 2/3 people are overweight. and 1/4 of those overweight are either obese or morbidly obese. crunchthe numbers people. and if her/his parents were sending them to a fat camp. I'm pretty sure they're not just overweight. so ydi for not checking and being that fat. unless your parents are really that mean and think just being a little pudgy is obese. there are also many endocrine conditions that cause people to take on weight. but it's not only fat. like cushing's disease. but even though I am saying all these other way of being fat doesn't mean for them to blame it on these conditions. get help if you are obese. doctor and a mental exam. I am more of a normal person. I eat moderately and gain if I eat more and lose wright if I eat less and exercise. I will never be stick thin nor will I be fat. I know people who are stick thin and watched them eat pizza or a cinnabon. they eat whatever they please and not gain a pound more. I envy them. but at least I'm not prone to beig overweight. those who are fat. just do whatever you can. eat healthy and exercise. if you can't lose it. go to the doctor cause something is up. look at that show. the biggest loser. they all start morbidly obese and the winners or people who go further into the game start to look like people with a healthy weight. and I'm sure a lot of them used excuses like "I'm big boned" so go exercise America. you're pitiful. but not all is lost.

Yes, I mentioned their surroundings influencing them. And you can higher your metabolism or the day by running in the morning before you eat. You can have control over your body no matter your situation.

no you don't. that's normal healthy people. sure you can raise metabolism. but if you have cushing's you can't do that. their body just gains the weight in lymphatic fluid I believe. and they have a characteristic of the "moon face" from the disease. you can't control everything.

Genetically, I inherited hormone inbalances from my mother. These specific inbalances make it almost impossible for me to lose weight since puberty, no matter what I've done -- I used to exercise 2 hours a day for a year, drink 10 glasses of water a day, etc., and didn't lose a thing. Then there are other people who, like the commenter above said, can eat as much of whatever the heck they want and not gain a pound from it. Genetics play a big role in weight, as does environmental factors.

emilyk123 0
perdix 29

Is it a surprise to you that you are fat? Are all the mirrors in your house those skinny fun-house types, and did your parents tell you the word "Husky" in all of your clothes mean it's an exclusive brand that's better than Ed Hardy?

GermanBoy0_0 0

Dude you're ******* hilarious, I live in California and if you're fat you're getting no where in life

hahaha, perdix; you always say the funniest things.