By Sally - 13/07/2010 09:22 - United States

Today, my parents were ecstatic about sending me to an amazingly fun camp. I didn't know until I got there that it was a fat camp. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 940
You deserved it 13 299

Same thing different taste

Top comments

they were just trying to help you, and make the decision to loose weight for you seeing as you clearly didn't. so YDI unless of course you aren't fat? :/ then FYL


skyeyez9 24

#16. The water blob is the best thing about swimming in a lake (some beach resorts have them too). Sitting on the edge and having a heavy dude jump off a dock and onto the blob is super fun! Can get hurled about 15ft in the air then fall into the water.

how did they convince you to go? did they tell you it was a camp where every day was all you can eat buffet followed by sitting on a couch? those deceitful bastards.

jwlz2013 0

#31 dam ur hot ha but ya any ways that does suck maybe it's the best u who knows

i mean in a way you deserve it your parents only did it because they cared about you i mean imagine how your parents would feel because god-forbid their child died because they were fat i mean really think about your life this is not an fml.

Assuming you were the one lifting the fork/spoon/spork into your mouth, YDI for bieng fat. Fattie.

Giorgio272 2

they should send you to bad tattoo camp #14. also why promote fat sex?

It's good for you. Now shut up and eat your fatty cakes.

This reminds me of Heavyweights. Hope you don't have a crazed, hyperathletic Ben Stiller for a fitness coach.

babyybritt 0

Who knows maybe it'll be fun. Try to make the best of it, make friends and make some effort so that this doesn't happen next year. Huge; Love that show.♥ ☺