By Anonymous - 03/12/2011 18:19 - United States

Today, my parents insisted that despite the fact I've just turned sixteen, I have to save them money by ordering from the children's menu, because I "still look like a twelve year old". FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 726
You deserved it 4 109

Same thing different taste


HA im a 5'10 17 year old and my parents try to get away with that still!!

My family does that all the time because I'm really short. Child tickets for movies, museums, everything.

chengy4191 7

Take it as a compliment cause if you still look 4 years younger now imagine how young you'll look when ur 40

I was in your situation too, take advantage of it as long as can bc soon enough you'll hit puberty and there's no turning back once that happens.

forbiddensky 4

Be happy, I have people tell me I'll appreciate it when I'm older, maybe so but I don't right now lol. I'm 25 and I get told I look 10/11 yrs old.

_Young_Money_ 0

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kid's menus are awesome because you get crayons or a toy

Haha im 18 and pregnant and people still mistake me for being like 12. but at least when we are old, we will still look good lol

well does that mean when you're 40 you'll look 36?

well does that mean when you're 40 you'll look 36?