By ambiiii - 20/08/2015 03:25 - United States - Marble Falls

Today, my niece started crying because she thought that someday she'll look like me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 568
You deserved it 2 041

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell her if she eats her vegetables, she'll be pretty

zharks1010 18

It's just kids; I'm sure you're beautiful :)


What's so bad about that? You're pretty OP...tears of joy...

Hopefully tears of joy because I'm sure you look great!

Bs that's an episode of the Brady bunch.

My stepsister did that with her aunt once, almost 10 years ago. Her aunt Christine started showing her how my stepsister looked EXACTLY like she did when she was younger and Chy had to run up to the guest room her and I were staying in to prevent bursting into tears in front of her aunt at the thought of growing up to look like her. Funny thing is.... Christine lives in Texas too...

Ignore her, your beautiful just the way you are

saffy66 34

Probably just wants to be unique. It doesn't necessarily mean she thinks you look bad. Unless, of course, she said so.