By MyEarsHurt - 16/09/2012 23:01 - United States - Stockton

Today, my next-door neighbor decided to become a rapper. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 443
You deserved it 2 081

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well hey; maybe when he's famous, he'll be all like "I gotta give it up to my neighbor for giving me recognition on FML."

At least he didn't start playing the bagpipes


kitsune3 20

...and? I know a lot of people don't like rap, but some of it is actually good, and not all of it is obscene. If you have issues with it, either ignore him or request that he keep it down.

Mysterion345 11

And this affects you how? I'm sorry but you're acting like a stuck up bitch. Support your neighbor buy some albums and you know what? He'll get better equipment and better vocals. Quit being so conceited about yourself. Oh and if he sucks USING.

Lol i first thought this said RAPIST and i was like lolol

..and? can you like hear loud music from your house? this isnt really an FML...

Was I the only one who first read this as "raper"