By MyEarsHurt - 16/09/2012 23:01 - United States - Stockton

Today, my next-door neighbor decided to become a rapper. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 443
You deserved it 2 081

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well hey; maybe when he's famous, he'll be all like "I gotta give it up to my neighbor for giving me recognition on FML."

At least he didn't start playing the bagpipes


Start blasting showtunes out of speakers directed towards his house, and if he ever has a cookout, blast songs from "Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog"

OP, as banal as they sound, there are the old standbys: check the lease terms about noise, and local ordinances about noise/nusiance. Talk to the landlord if there's a lease violation, and to the cops if there are ordinance violations. Best of luck. Hope your ears don't bleed.

secret_ninja_gal 12

you should consider moving away...

ipoopinshoes 2
mrperspire 4

It probably won't last. Everybody thinks they can rap.

FML_14u2c 14

How does your neighbor becoming a rapper have any effect on you?

At least he didn't become Justin Bieber.