By epistaxis - 29/01/2009 02:31 - Australia

Today, my nephew asked me how babies are made. I thought he'd had this chat with his mom, but I went in to it again. After a 20 minute 'discussion', he says "So what about the good stuff - get to the blowjobs and the lesbians." He's 11. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 714
You deserved it 3 956

Same thing different taste

Top comments

OH my god, this just made my day! What's the world coming to?

teethingtom 0

Tell your nephew I need my penthouse back


nikki_4eva 0

ydi cuz u should of told him 2 ask his mom...and fyl cuz I would of told the boy 2 tell his

i was like ten when me and my friends were talking about that stuff so its not that big a deal anymore. this just proves how corrupt the world is getting. all this talk about you have to be skinny and wear the cool stuff to be popular and the you have to have had sex by the age of thirteen to be cool is just shit.

madisonkelly9 0

My brother is 12 and he knows all about ******** and more. I don't know how he knows though. my parents didn't tell him!

chompielove 0

my 3 yr old brother goes on the internet. psh.

LoL. I'm 11 and I know way more then I should:) I think it's hilarious that he asked you.

Bently24 6

Yeah so many young kids already know about this stuff it's crazy.