By Anonymous - 04/05/2013 21:44 - United Kingdom - Liverpool

Today, my neighbours' whiny emo of a daughter got dumped by her boyfriend. In her infinite wisdom, she's chosen to cope by playing on her recorder the worst rendition of "My Heart Will Go On" that I've ever heard. It's been going on all day. Now I know why he dumped this idiot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 185
You deserved it 9 310

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should go over there and yell "I'M KING OF THE WORLD!" That'll cheer her up.

MeowZebraMeow 7

Since when do emo kids listen to Celine Dion?


Don't worry about it OP, she's obviously looking for attention. As soon as she's gotten some attention, or gets tired of looking for some, she'll calm down. Hopefully there will be enough time until her next break up for her to mature and learn how to deal with these things.

Maybe one day you'll get dumped and then you'll know how it feels and also referring someone as 'emo' is very rude. Whether they self harm or not.

according to this she's hurting other people not herself. think op is an old geezer that doesn't know the difference between emo scene and goth

monnanon 13

or maybr just maybe the girl is actually an emo. lets face it emos are easy to spot and i dont mean that in a derogoatory sense. emo ot not i imagine she would have reacted to the breakup the same way.

Tell her to listen to that song by a perfect circle called passive lol then it's a win win for you and her.

Haha. I think that song might be lost on a "whiny emo kid" :-p On a side note, for those saying the OP is rude for calling the girl emo: since they're neighbours, I'm sure they've had previous interactions leading the OP to calling her emo and whiny. Just saying.

Sooner or later the boyfriend will want her back and blast "Baby come back!" In the middle of the night.

meaganxo 14

Get over it, you're the one who seems to be whining.

larsak 3

And what does she do that warrants you calling her "emo" in a condescending way? Get a life. At least she isn't harming herself.

Sonfang 19

How do you know, all OP is referring to is her public disturbance. She could still cut herself in the privacy of her own room. Playing a recorder loud and obnoxiously is just rude, no matter how bad you're hurting. The girls parents should sit her down and talk to her on an emotional level and try to help her sort out her feelings, and not allow this rudeness to persist. This little emo girl is going to have a long hard life if one break up sent her into an emotional spiral of depression restyling to music played horribly (and other things we don't know), good luck OP. I suppose if it is bugging you so much you could call the cops for her disturbing the peace.

lstrawberrycake 12

Well there's is actually a very popular video on YouTube of a man playing that song on recorder and it is quite hilarious, she is possibly listening to it for a laugh. And it's really impolite to make fun of people's personal pain. Nice job asshole.

Did it sound like this? Maybe she's just surfing YouTube