By dumb mother - 31/01/2012 02:34 - United States

Today, my mother yelled at me for standing too close to the microwave. Her reason? The radiation was going to seep through, kill my sperm and cause cancer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 019
You deserved it 5 061

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hey, I heard that if you stand too close to the microwave you can get cancer from the radiation in those things. You should probably stay away from them...

I wonder how much 'kimotherapy' costs? Less than chemotherapy, perhaps?


He was honest and comfortable enough to tell you that and now he's suddenly unattractive? Makes sense

use a radiation detector... you'd be surprised how far the radiation reaches past the "shielded" door... and reading these posts... people are so stupid. not even worth sharing the knowledge

That was a legitimate fear back in your mother's day. My mom wouldn't let me stand in front of a microwave either. It's not stupid, microwaves actually do release things called "Micro-waves" and that is dangerous radiation.

rarr 0

Microwaves let off radiation, although I believe it may be more effective on killing ovaries than sperm

We didn't have a microwave when I was growing up because my mother was convinced they caused cancer. She ended up getting cancer anyway.

PsychWithAnO 9

Haven't you heard? Everything causes cancer in California.

oldirtybasterdSE 0

That cancer thing is a huge myth. She's crazy. FYL