By SlapAndTickle - 11/10/2013 03:04 - United States

Today, my mother kept nagging at me because my 9-month-old daughter only calms down when I play her metal. She demands I use gospel, otherwise she will turn into a "devil-worshipping lunatic like her mother". FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 667
You deserved it 5 152

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I love rocking out to some metal with baby cousin. Sound like an awesome kid you got. :)

sucks for you op next time you should say 'I hope she doesnt turn out like her grandmother'' and see what she says about that


that is the most metal thing ive ever heard

My nephew would only go to sleep listening ramstein. Besides has she heard if skillet? They are actually a religious rock band.

It's awesome that your daughter has a great taste in music at 9 months!! Maybe play Christian metal to appease your mother? Sounds cheesy, but they are as hardcore as the rest!

Katy Perry was ONLY allowed to listen to gospel growing up, and look how she turned out. :/

kellyem2 20

That's the point where my mother wouldn't be welcome in my house anymore.

There is white metal to, thats what my brother told me, its metal about jesus, take that mom! Haha

ea247 20

You have an awesome baby!! m/