By Notfamous - 02/12/2015 22:18 - United States - West Point

Today, my mother found out I published a book. She demanded that I pay her all my royalties as repayment for her raising me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 819
You deserved it 1 531

Same thing different taste

Top comments


corky1992 33

I hope you didnt. She's the one who chose to have you. You don't owe her anything. I hate money craving people who take advantage of others for their money.

Congrats on your book being published op. Just tell her "sorry not sorry this is my accomplishment not yours I didn't spend all this time writing the book for you I deserve my royalties go fly a kite" at least that is what I would do

I'd either walk out and break contact with her for a while or begin a shouting match with her regarding who the hell she thought she was. That is ridiculous. Congrats on your book though.

Comgradulations on the book! and fyl on the "mother," sorry man.

Haha as long as she pays the bill for therapy needed from her raising you

Ugh, that's a rough one. Bitch logic is amazing. "Oh, you're having some success? Give it all to me. Go live in a box in the street. I deserve everything you ever work for. And hey, where are my grandkids? I can spoil them- I'm expecting some money soon."

Wow your mom is a ****. Parenting isn't a job it's a responsibility

You told her to eat the biggest bag of dicks right???