By Notfamous - 02/12/2015 22:18 - United States - West Point

Today, my mother found out I published a book. She demanded that I pay her all my royalties as repayment for her raising me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 819
You deserved it 1 531

Same thing different taste

Top comments


RedPillSucks 31

Respond with; The memories you have of my childhood with you are priceless, so I've more than paid enough.

I hate when parents try to use "I raised you now you owe me." Like no one told you to have a child and if you didn't want a child there are many ways to prevent childbirth.

She chose to have you. You dont owe her any money. Life doesn't work like that.

Perhaps she was kidding and you took it seriously so she carried out on.

MonstreBelle 28

A quarter is too much. At most, give her a penny. It would still be very generous of OP

CliffyB03 28

What's the book called? I'd read it just because I can

Making your daughter give you the money she deserves.. That makes so much sense. She sounds like an interesting mom. Did you write the book about her?

leogachi 15

@51 It's called, 'Shit My Mother Says, Part 1.'

No it was her choice to have children, you can't have children and then expect payment for raising them.