By DaoOfPow - 23/05/2015 07:51 - United States - Danbury

Today, my mom told me I'm the reason she's going to kill herself one day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 274
You deserved it 3 219

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Sure that gave you a nice warm fuzzy feeling. Hope she was kidding op, and if not don't take it too seriously! Depression can make people do/say crazy things! Hang in there and try to support and help her!

funneh1 21 should get your mom professional or any kind of help if she's serious.

I'm sure she didn't mean it OP. Don't take it too seriously unless you know for sure she was serious.

If you're not an asshole to her, there's no way you deserve it. That's an awful thing to be told, especially by your own mother. Focus on the people who do love you!

Is it for a certain reason? Or just like YOLO

mattbaker 17

My mom said that once too. she's probably kidding.

That's mental torture! hope you get out of it soon. .

Happens on a weekly basis, don't take it to heart, just a reaction certain people have to crap.

This shouldn't have made it onto the feed. This is promoting abusive and manipulative behavior and should be taken down immediately.

How the hell is it promoting abuse and manipulative behavior? By acknowledging it exists?

RockstarJAy 16
rhiannahoward14 19

People trying to baby the world like this, are the reason no one can handle anything remotely serious anymore. This shit DOES happen. Online. In the real world. IT EXISTS. By ignoring it, you're feeding it. In order to fix something or prevent it, You have to acknowledge it first.