By Anonymous - 02/11/2011 15:15 - United States

Today, my mom learned how to use the text messaging on her smartphone. I've received 37 already, and she calls after every single one to make sure I understood her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 219
You deserved it 3 268

Same thing different taste

Top comments

yamatelle 19

"Mom, please STFU!" "What does that mean?" "ummm...Save The Faithless Unbelievers..."


meganbrooke69 0

Oh parents who text, not a pretty sight

JakeTha_A01 5
Michele02 0

Omg my mom did the same thing when she got her phone... Ya is sucked really bad /: well have fun with her (: haha

Give her some of your not so close friends phone numbers & tell her they LOVE TEXT'G

This is EXACTLY why parents should definitely NOT text. At least your mum..and mine...

Ahh moms appreciate them while they're here because well miss them

Ahh moms appreciate them while they're here because well miss them

There should b a block button for texting on ur phone so a number can't text u