By Tiak - 30/03/2009 18:08 - United States

Today, my mom has been calling me every ten minutes, asking me questions about her new computer. She called me at work, and I rudely answered her question. She called back, talked to my boss, saying she was a customer that called in, and I was rude to her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 86 203
You deserved it 16 743

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You know, if you work in customer service then they'll record the phone calls. You have nothing to worry about.

That's ridiculous... what does your mom want to accomplish? getting you fired? it's a lose lose.... and she's a bitch


SuperStud 0


wow what a loving mother you got there buddy. disown yourself already, obviously your mom doesn't care that you have a job or not.

YDI for being rude to your mum! haha you must be patient when it comes to parents with no knowledge on computers ;)

Ericboi 0

#16 I couldn't care less if it is his mom. If she was calling him every ten minutes, that's already annoying enough, but to do it when he's at work is even worse. Maybe he could've been more patient with her, but couldn't she have just waited for him to get off work for him to help her with her computer? But most of all, the childish way she "handled" the situation is just plain flat out stupid. She could've gotten him fired pretending to be a customer, and saying that the OP was being rude to her.

#16 and all the mamma's boys, grow a pair. She could have gotten him fired for being a dumb bitch who can't look up the answers to her questions or wait until he gets home. I have a mom who calls for stupid things, and trust me, it's ANNOYING. This is why I don't go to church, by the way. They teach you useless crap like this. Sorry, but if someone's getting on my nerves, I don't care who it is, I'm going to get irritated. And as for the whole "I gave you life" argument from parents, I say "then you've brought this upon yourself ;)"

What a b!tch. Sounds like something my mom would do to me

Step 1: Tell your boss your going on break Step 2: Hop in your car and drive to your mothers place Step 3: Knock down her door and make as much noise possible while doing so Step 4: Shoot lasers out of your eyes and shread her to bits

your mom is childish. you shouldn't have to deal with her issues while your at work. could she not have waited till you got off work?

Wow... I hope she at least plans on supporting you when you get fired for being rude to a customer.