By Tiak - 30/03/2009 18:08 - United States

Today, my mom has been calling me every ten minutes, asking me questions about her new computer. She called me at work, and I rudely answered her question. She called back, talked to my boss, saying she was a customer that called in, and I was rude to her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 86 204
You deserved it 16 743

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You know, if you work in customer service then they'll record the phone calls. You have nothing to worry about.

That's ridiculous... what does your mom want to accomplish? getting you fired? it's a lose lose.... and she's a bitch


fyourl 0

my mom does that to me. It really does get annoying after the first 3 calls.

alicemassie 0

wow what's her problem? oh wait, obviously her evil mastermind plan is to get u fired so she has to support you and have you live on her couch for the rest of ur life.

#16 HE WAS AT WORK He shouldn't have to deal with his mother's problems while on the job.

YDI for being rude to your mum, but FYL for the fact that she called your boss and complained...

#16: Even if I worked in a tech support job I'd be pretty miffed if my mom was calling me every 10 minutes with more shit that she could just look up herself.

HAHAHAHAHAHA, im sorry but thats funny. u should tell ur boss ur mom wants to get u back...even tho he prolly wouldnt believe a mother would act so..childish loll

summersong89 0

daaaamn, id be pretty PO'd at my mom after that one... unless i just told my boss that it was my mother and they believed me and i didnt get in trouble.