By Anonymous - 27/05/2013 22:15 - United States - Lehi

Today, my in-laws came for dinner. My 5-year-old son chose that as the perfect time to say, "Good girls always swallow!" when my daughter coughed up some of her food. I have no idea where he heard it, but my mother-in-law blamed me, and my wife had to convince her not to call CPS on me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 038
You deserved it 3 747

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's more than just a little extreme. That's in the realm of insanely extreme.

Mother in laws know how to swallow more than anyone , they just don't admit it. That's why they try to make themselves seem to perfect.


So didnt you discipline him immediately to show your strong anti dirty-talk beliefs? Thereby expressing your personal innocence? maybe YdDI

The thing is what if it wasn't sexual? Everyone is assuming the kid heard someone say it in a sexual way and repeated it but I have heard parents say this to their kids when said kids were spitting up food instead of swallowing it.

doglover100 28

It's from an advertisement about eating disorders.