By Anonymous - 27/05/2013 22:15 - United States - Lehi

Today, my in-laws came for dinner. My 5-year-old son chose that as the perfect time to say, "Good girls always swallow!" when my daughter coughed up some of her food. I have no idea where he heard it, but my mother-in-law blamed me, and my wife had to convince her not to call CPS on me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 038
You deserved it 3 747

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's more than just a little extreme. That's in the realm of insanely extreme.

Mother in laws know how to swallow more than anyone , they just don't admit it. That's why they try to make themselves seem to perfect.


He probably heard it from kids at school, kids at that age know so much more than you think...

Should'a said: "If my son HAD seen **** he'd be smart enough to know that his sister isn't choking on semen at the dinner table, unlike you, who apparently can't tell the difference."

Actually CPS would have taken that seriously IF other things were going on like trash around the house, sign of emaciation in the children, repeatative cursing, and so on. But this is just a case of kids say the darndest things.

I highly doubt that the 5 year old really knows what it means anyway.

Well the in laws are the ones that have the dirty mind. Perhaps if there mind get out of the gutter they will see it was a completely innocent comment. Shame on them.

Can you call CPS for that? It could have been something the kid heard on television or something.

blackman100 20

With the swallowing, and the girls and... bwaaa, you know what I'm talkin about.

Just act oblivious to what it means and then she'll look like she has a dirty mind.