By bluestarr1 - 10/09/2011 05:15 - United States

Today, my husband went downstairs to play Call of Duty. When he came back after only 20 minutes I said, "Awww, did you miss me?" He said, "No, the controller died." FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 031
You deserved it 8 217

bluestarr1 tells us more.

I'm pregnant & on bed-rest. I rely on him for a lot since I can't go downstairs. I thought him playing COD with his friends would give us a break from our constant interactions with each other. It just wasn't long enough for him. And keeping him entertained wasn't a part of our wedding vowels.

Top comments

You should spend more time with him. He must be very bored.

KaskStunter 4

Yeah, honesty is way too overrated.


ImmaB3AST 7

we all know that to spend quality time with your husband you have to get another control and split screen that shit. Duh!

Or even better another xbox and CoD so they can play online! My friends tht are married do tht, sometimes i can hear eachothers echo tho cuz there in the other room lol

kcircuses2 4

63-cool have time to tell it again?

audiophileMom 11

They say video games don't cause violence - but that only refers to the players and not their spouses... ;)

way2sl0w 1

Sound like the OP... *sunglasses* ...wants to lower her husband's kill-death ratio

audiophileMom 11

23 not sure why you got thumbs down so far, that was cheesy enough to be funny, I think :D one up from me.

The thumbs down is for the overused, trite sunglasses joke.

Looks like someone... *puts on sunglasses ...doesnt have a sense of humor. YEAH!!!

You should by him an extra controller so when that happens he's ready. Got to love COD

lmaoatall 6

I don't know why, but when I started to read this post, I got the impression he went downstairs on you. Stupid contrloler! Just had to break and ruin it for you! Fyl!

Playful1985 9

I resent that -_- my ex girlfriend and I would play video games together all the time

SpruceDread4578 13

It has social skills. It's a community joined online. Maybe not interactive, but you still socialize.

**** off #31, gamer's can have friend's and socialize, you are just an ass who stereotype's a VERY LARGE portion of earth's population thinking we dont socialize. please, RE-EDUCATE YOURSELF.

koolkat27 13

exactly why most gamers are total losers. lol

106 I like how how your profile says "I hate ignorant people" then it says " judge me and I'll kill you" ignorant fool is ignorant

a_nutritionist 10

@31 black people are ghetto and only eat chicken and watermelon, asians cant drive but are great at math, white people are uncultured and cant dance, fat people live for food, skinny people are anorexic, irish are alcoholic, germans are nazis, muslims are terrorists, women are neater than everyone but gay men, all men are lying cheating assholes, old people are rude, indians smell like curry and all drive taxis, rich people are snobs, prostitutes are riddled with sti's, redheads are crazy, poor people live in trailers all christians are homophobic and jews are money hungry, tightass accountants. thought id help add to your knowledge bank. thank me later.

Gay.....then it's just a 60$ map pack for battlefield 2 (bf3).

Your husband is an idiot. Next time he does that, make sure you're in your sexiest lingerie when he comes back upstairs. When he says, "Oh, is that for me?" tell him it's for the hot UPS delivery man, then roll over and go to sleep. He'll get it. Maybe.