By bluestarr1 - 10/09/2011 05:15 - United States

Today, my husband went downstairs to play Call of Duty. When he came back after only 20 minutes I said, "Awww, did you miss me?" He said, "No, the controller died." FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 031
You deserved it 8 217

bluestarr1 tells us more.

I'm pregnant & on bed-rest. I rely on him for a lot since I can't go downstairs. I thought him playing COD with his friends would give us a break from our constant interactions with each other. It just wasn't long enough for him. And keeping him entertained wasn't a part of our wedding vowels.

Top comments

You should spend more time with him. He must be very bored.

KaskStunter 4

Yeah, honesty is way too overrated.


@#151 wait, wedding vowels? i do believe it's "vows"...were you there for your wedding?

There is a thing called a reply button.

hahaha that's great cause just about a week ago I did the same and no people I couldn't charge it cause I use battery's

xxJonaKillsxx 8

You kinda walked right into that one....

The man needs batterys get him some batterys

sugarbear0727 19

It happens. Every time I hang out with my boyfriend, he plays CoD. He always asks if its okay, and it doesn't bother me. I usually just lay in his lap and try to help. (:

AnimeGirl1 10

this is completely irrelevant to the FML, but are you named after Bluestar, from erin hunter's bestseller, The Warriors Series?

Play with him! No question he'd love you forever even though he already does

Chris_1163187222 15

Its wedding vows and he shouldn’t have to entertain you either