By calamity janet - 14/11/2018 22:00

Today, my husband took me to an airsoft shop so he could try a new pistol. We went on the range to shoot it, but while he was loading it went off and shot me. I was only wearing my leggings, so I felt the full power of that BB as it traveled at 200 feet per second at my clitoris. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 951
You deserved it 490

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Emma Marshall 19

So he finally found the clit. Bad timing.

Funny thing about the universal rules of gun safety: they apply to almost all types of gun.


Breaking News: Man Finally Hits G-Spot using BB-Shot

And I thought it was bad when my husband about shot off my nipple with a paintball marker. At least I got even the next round and caused him pain. Learn to play if you don’t play already and get your revenge.

Your husband..and airsoft're married to a 10 year old? Or is he just too scared of the real thing?

bobsanction 18

At least it was only an airsoft gun and not a real one.

Well, now he can pay for vaginal reconstruction surgery.

I lack a ****** being male... is that painful?

heeeeyitsbrittney 12

Absolutely. There’s hundreds of nerve endings there, super sensitive area