By Anonymous - 06/06/2019 04:05

Today, my husband told me that for our anniversary he will be watching the UFC fight, because it is, "one of the biggest events ever and he just can't miss it." Apparently, our one-year wedding anniversary is not as important. To add to it, he said we should watch it together. Very romantic. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 658
You deserved it 569

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Have you considered planning something to celebrate at a time when the fight isn't on? There is the idea of compromise in a relationship. Maybe you should plan something he can do with you, and then you could spend the time with your husband, letting him enjoy the event.

He's invited you to watch something really important to him! Compromise, you can celebrate the day before/after/ before the fight. There's really no point to being so picky about celebrating on the exact date.


You'll probably be a lot happier in the relationship (and life) once you admit that special one-year anniversaries are just not always gonna happen on the day. You have one every year, and yes, the first one is a little more special, it's can still just as easily be done another day. If this he follows this sport and has been really excited about it, you should be happy to let him watch it live if it makes him really happy to do it. If he was a bad guy about it and didn't tell you while you organised a day off work for the day, or dropped this on you at the last moment, have words with him about planning and communication to prevent this happening in the future. Otherwise, grab a book and snuggle up to him while he watches his show, maybe, and make him treat you by joining you while you do something you enjoy soon after - that could be your gifts to each other, rather than spending money? (I'm a budgeter, so I do this sorta thing with my other half) Granted this is FML, so it's possible you knew all that and just wanted to vent, in which case, have at it ;) It's still a disappointing thing to happen. Have a supportive hug and a glass of wine on me.