By friedbutter - 28/10/2012 14:53 - Canada - Pickering

Today, my husband thought it would be funny to tell my 10-year-old son that if he wanted to get girls, he had to do the Gangnam Style. My son has now non-stop been doing the Gangnam Style. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 031
You deserved it 4 613

Same thing different taste


I knew someone would bring this up. "오빤, 강남스타일" is romanized as "oppan gangnam seuta-il", and you can clearly hear it in the beggining of the song. -_- [EDIT] Looks like penguinbitch beat me to it.

Sorry, 25, but your name doesn't prevent me from thumbing you down.

This is coming from a guy that thinks hes fabulous lol

outstandtacular 11

I thumbed you down solely because of your username.

52- I know, right? It's just so tempting. Oh we're so badass (*kinda sarcasm*). Teehee

BusinessTurtle 8

YOU'RE stupid! No one questions the Gangnam Style! >:(

SpikyG 3

If you think Gangnam Style is stupid you"re not a human

You don't even know what the song's about, so you have no right to judge.

The song is far from stupid, its just over over played these days.

Oops. You got all the song bandwagoners on you now! All you guys will forget about the song in 10 years. It's not that great.

SApprentice 34

26- How so? It sounds very pleasant, the translated lyrics are more polite and respectable than most pop music now, and the music video gives many giggles. Have you seen the Deadpool parody video of the original? It's highly enjoyable. It is, however, over played. Where I work we cannot control the music that plays, and it plays on the radio station several times an hour. After a while, you just learn to love the Gangnam style. You accept it into your heart.

KiddNYC1O 20

I personally don't like it, but it is catchy so I can see how others like it. I do feel some people take it too far though, I swear some people practically worship PSY.

I'd have to agree it gets very annoying... I'm at the point where I have to change the station if it comes on, otherwise I believe I'll go insane.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. So stop berating her saying "she's stupid" for not liking gangnan style. Everyone has different taste in music. :)

33, I love gangnam style. I'm not human

I think I'm the only person alive who hasn't heard that song.

Looking at your attitude in this comment, 57, it sounds like you're a raging bitch that insults people for no reason. So what, I don't like the song. But apparently, that means you can make nasty comments about my personal life because of it. By the way, I bought this prom dress myself two years ago. You know, with money from my own JOB. Not with "Daddy's." And I also apologize for your jealousy of my good taste in dresses seeing as you felt obligated to comment on it. By the way, your cat is ugly.

gregkingsley 4

It's sweeping the world and I can't wait till we have finally had enough.

perdix 29

If he learns the Macarena, the Achy-Breaky and the Electric Slide, he'll be hanging out with college girls and makin' babies before he can shave. Never underestimate the power of dance ;)

Don't forget the Cha-cha Slide, because This time we're gonna get funky (funky funky funky). . . Everybody clap (clap clap clap) your hands.(:

And don't forget to teach him how to shuffle MC Hammer style!

perdix 29

How could I forget The Wobble?

Also the YMCA (I know you know ALL the lyrics) ;) I dance it and question my sexuality because I want to know-- Y Am I Gay?

skyeyez9 24

Now I have that song stuck in my head.

UltimateGIRness 16

Y'all forgot the Cupid shuffle

he should have a catch phrase to start off with.