By Anonymous - 23/05/2012 21:14 - United States

Today, my husband called me in the middle of the morning. He was in jail and wanted me to bail him out. Not only was he stupid enough to go drunk drag-racing with his buddies, their route took them straight past the front of the local police precinct. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 487
You deserved it 3 383

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Please don't have children with this idiot. Genes as stupid as those need to stop spreading..

Shouldnt bail him out. He needs to learn from his stupidity.


reddudeover 2

He was tired of the guys ragging on his Prius, he had to prove the wrong.

winnerme123 8

Everyone Always go down on the Prius But I agree

RedPillSucks 31
winnerme123 8

Goes into hater mode... Didn't mean it like that

The Prius is not my choice in a car, but i have gone 96 in one and i could have easily done 100 in it.

"Officer, I was not drag racing. I am clearly male. And for that matter, this is not booze. It is just...ok, maybe this is booze."

tony1891 22

this is the type of stuff you usually watch on Cops but don't wanna be apart of. but nonetheless I'd let him stay a while

My dad's friends used to drag race in front of a police station. Wanna know why? They were never there.

FDoA 1

Vin Diesel made it look too easy, obviously.

Drunken ideas: rarely as good as they seem.

Alex1014 0

He was prob. Screaming Yolo!!

Kids like you clearly have dads like OP's hubby.. U prob cnt sp3ll 3 wordZ if ur lyfe dep'd on it

64 - He used one abbreviation, and one anagram. he misspelled nothing..

florido_fml 10

If he cared for his car he wouldn't drink and race. What if something happened to it?

twisted_cherub 14

"If he cared for his car"? How about his life? The lives of others, maybe?

unknown_user5566 26

54- I think his comment may have been sarcastic, not him literally placing a car above safety, etc.