By Anonymous - 23/05/2012 21:14 - United States

Today, my husband called me in the middle of the morning. He was in jail and wanted me to bail him out. Not only was he stupid enough to go drunk drag-racing with his buddies, their route took them straight past the front of the local police precinct. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 487
You deserved it 3 383

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Please don't have children with this idiot. Genes as stupid as those need to stop spreading..

Shouldnt bail him out. He needs to learn from his stupidity.


Just add that to the list of stupid shit your husbands done

shrdlu 28

The next time he suggests anything you don't like, remind him of his bad judgement with this.

Shoulda left him in there until arraignment

Umm how long have u been living with this guy?

He's stupid, but yet you are the one married to him.Things to make you go hhmmm.

AliceLockehart 18

Evidently Charles Darwin's theory of natural selection applies to this guy.

Where did he go wrong? He got caught. thats the only problem i see.

Please tell me you didn't actually bail him out...

Don't have children with him. You don't want your kids to be like that