By dragonmirado - 25/01/2012 06:23 - China

Today, my husband bleached his hair so, "our future kids will have blond hair too." I'm already married to this guy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 302
You deserved it 7 699

dragonmirado tells us more.

dragonmirado 12

I thought it was blond for boys and blonde for girls. Like you wouldn't call a brown haired boy a brunette!

Top comments

You'd think that you'd know that he had several screws loose before marrying him. You kind of deserve it, but also FYL


You sure he wasn't already a blonde?? Haha

Don't shave your head. He will think that his children will be hairless.

bubo_fml 10

Don't feel so bad. I once knew a girl who ****** up the recipe for making ice cubes...

bizarre_ftw 21

I am deeply curious to know how that happened

evelina99 0

what I don't get is why he thinks blonde is a superior hair color to the others in the first place!

bubo_fml 10

Since he IS your husband, isn't it a bit redundant to mention that you're "already married to this guy?"

bizarre_ftw 21

I think she's reiterating it for emphasis, like saying: "I'm already married to him" I can't go back

BTW, when you are done with him, contact your local museum and hand him over to them.........

KiddNYC1O 20

Tell him it's actually the pubes that count.