By dragonmirado - 25/01/2012 06:23 - China

Today, my husband bleached his hair so, "our future kids will have blond hair too." I'm already married to this guy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 302
You deserved it 7 699

dragonmirado tells us more.

dragonmirado 12

I thought it was blond for boys and blonde for girls. Like you wouldn't call a brown haired boy a brunette!

Top comments

You'd think that you'd know that he had several screws loose before marrying him. You kind of deserve it, but also FYL


So there aren't kids yet? Not to late to DTMFA.

Anime hair looks cool in anime… not so much IRL. I should know. I've seen it… ugh…

Are you married to Trofim Lysenko? (Also, why do you need to specify you're married to your husband? Isn't that what a husband is?)

Good thing you wrote that you're already married to him at the end. Cuz calling him your husband earlier in the post sure would have been weird if you weren't married yet...

Just tell him unless he can bleach his sperm while it's still inside his testicles that it won't do any good..& see if he's dumb enough to believe that..if so, have him evaluated by a professional, cause "crazy is hereditary & you don't want a bunch of schizo kids" then have him get a vasectomy or divorce him.

Well OBVIOUSLY since you said it was your husband.

kissmyballs 0

He must be blonde at

Never to late for a divorce, hopefully ur not preggo yet