By Anonymous - 03/09/2014 18:24 - United States - White Plains

Today, my husband asked our tax professional if we could file my profession as "Expert Dream Murderer." I'm a guidance counselor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 746
You deserved it 5 299

Same thing different taste

Top comments

wannabesinger 16

All throughout middle and high school, my guidance counselors told me I would never be a vet tech, I wasn't smart enough, and "oh well my son thought he wanted to be one too and then he got bit by a dog so you'll change your mind!" Now that I'm in vet tech school I want nothing more than to revisit them and shove it in their face. Tell me I can't do something, and I'll show you I can.


Well, not all guidance councilors are the same. Not all patients are necessarily okay for them. Some are brutally honest, others are more sensitive. Find out which one is for you! Everyone needs someone to talk to that they can trust! :)

Hahaha it was probably a joke OP (a hilarious one)