By Irrationalwife - 31/03/2019 00:00

Today, my husband and I got into a fight about his pervert friend who regularly shows blatant disrespect for our marriage, including sending me inappropriate texts. Apparently this friend should have my full trust, and apparently I am the one with the issue for not excusing his bad behavior. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 426
You deserved it 223

Same thing different taste

Top comments

block his number and ignore him completely. you dont have to deal with sexual harassment and your husbands a dumbass for not caring how uncomfortable it makes you.

Does his name rhyme with Blonald Blump? Lot of guys in the MAGA crowd would gladly throw their wives under the Access Hollywood bus to appease the dark lord.


what??? 17

who else but quagmire? giggity giggity

Mungolikecandy 19

Send the friend him dick pics. Not of anyone you know just lots of dick pics.

Why would you not just block his friends phone number and delete and block him from any social media sites you use. Out of sight out of mind. If he does it to you in person in front of your husband confront him and demand your husband and reprimand him. If he continues to do it refuse to go out with both of them at the same time or let his friend come over to your house. If your husband still want to be friends with him They can go hang out on there own and you can go out with one of you girls friends. Just illuminate or minimize the guy from your life Problem solved.

I would like to say this: this FML is readable, and that's becoming more and more rare. I give you my warmest regards.