By notyourfriend - 09/09/2014 01:26 - Canada - Peterborough

Today, my horrible boss sent me a Facebook friend request for the fifth time, in her attempt to not only bother me at work, but also through social media. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 415
You deserved it 3 454

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe she didn't get the hint the first four times...

Put her in "limited profile", she won't have access to your feed or pictures and won't be able to post. Problem solved.


JCal585 8

Just leave it in pending so she can't add you anymore. Or block her.

this is what the blocking feature is meant for.

Accept and leave her in a special group that can't see anything

My boss admitted one day that he "likes to stalk current & former employees" where I work. I just blocked him so he can't see anything I do unless he used someone else's FB to do it. Kinda hard for him to do that though now since I've blocked everyone I work with & his wife (just in case he gets the dumb idea of trying to stalk me through hers Facebook)

My boss tried that one many years ago. I told her 'I only use facebook for the *****.' I'm pretty sure I would have gotten in trouble if I worked anywhere but a family owned business. But once I said that, I never saw another request from mom.

skittyskatbrat 19

"I am sorry but I use Facebook for exclusively personal communications. For professional interactions, I use the company email. I find it is best to keep my personal life and my professional line clearly separated. Therefore, coworkers and other business acquaintances are not added to my Facebook friends list. You have requested to add me to your friends list five times; please do not send me any additional friend requests." And send this to her via the company email account, to underscore the point. If you get a sixth one, forward the email with a discussion of the harassment to your company HR. SIX requests after a clearly-worded unmistakable direction not to do so constitutes harassment, and HR is very likely to agree with you on that.

This sounds like the most sensible approach. Making it very clear you keep your work life and personal life separated and that you feel it unprofessional to treat a boss as anything other than your superior in the company isn't as likely to have a chance to come back and bite you as some of the other options people are mentioning, like blocking or passive aggressive actions.

#54 has the best approach. me, I just block people from my work. I did a mass search on all their names a while back and did a pre-emptive block. At my work, the horrible boss - as part of her stalking regime - would follow me into the toilet and just stand outside the cubicle door - for up to 15mins. I chose that time to reflect on things and take my time, even napping one time, as I was 'on the clock'. I didn't need FB stalking too.

skittyskatbrat 19

May I highly recommend slightly misspelling your name on the FB account? Drop out a vowel in the last name, put in a space, etc.? Friends and family can instantly tell who it is when you talk to them or add them but you aren't searchable by anyone that doesn't know how you spelled it....