By Anonymous - 10/08/2012 22:06 - Thailand - Bangkok

Today, my girlfriend, who I've loved and dated for over a year, confessed that she's actually straight as an arrow. All this time, she's basically been using me as an accessory to enhance her "social status" and make her guy friends horny. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 507
You deserved it 4 965

Same thing different taste

Top comments

take that metaphorical arrow and shank it through her b**** ass heart


bleddyn13 1

Did you at least punch her or something? Gah, that's ******* bullshit! If that shit happened to me, there might be a burnt down house or something like that in that persons future...

Alpha2121 0

How did you not realize she's straight?

Oh I don't know, maybe because she's " straight as an arrow." Try reading and rereading the fml before commenting.

jaredofmo 22

Have a hug, rainbow sister. No one should use anyone like that.

KiddNYC1O 20

That's so low. How inconsiderate.

I'm sure it worked for her! I know a lot of guys that--bisexual girls are their number 1 fantasy. And I also know a lot of girls that play into that fantasy. FYL Sorry about you getting hurt in her lies.

That doesn't make sense, while getting all the boys hot and bothered, she seems unavailable..? So either she's retarded or a complete and utter bitch. Either way you deserve better op.

That's what I was thinking too. If she wanted to turn them on, she should just do one nights woth girls once in a while instead of a relationship. what would be the point to turn on a bunch of guys but be untouchable for over a year? that makes me think she probably cheated on OP...

THAT ******* BITCH!!! It absolutely disgusts me when heterosexual women make out with each other just to turn on a gaggle of perverted men. Seriously! Have some ******* self respect! You never see two straight guys making out with each other. But what this bitch did is astronomically worse, because now she's used somebody and broke her heart. OP, leave a flaming bag of dog shit on her porch, and tell all her guy friends she wants to impress so much that she has a blue waffle.

Not to undermine your point, but yeah, there are straight guys who make out for girls. Probably not as many, but still. Anyway, I agree, girlfriend sounds like a terrible person

Actually, it's pretty easy to get two straight guys to make out for a couple bucks and YouTube stardom.

simplylost643 0

#85- Take it easy. Calling a man who enjoys the thought of a woman, (who he's attracted to) being as desireful of a woman, (obviously a hetrosexual mans object of attention) perverted is a bit judgemental on your part. That's like saying a man/woman is abnormal for wanting a best friend who also enjoys his/her favorite hobbies.

#96, I respect your point of view, but I have to disagree with you completely. Sharing interests cannot be compared with sharing sexual interests. The truth is that men have a warped sexual view of women in our society as a result of this post feminist age we've entered into. Before feminism took hold, women were sexual objects because they were baby makers and exclusive sexual property of their husbands, so much so that if a woman so much as revealed her ankle in public she became an object of shame and ridicule. Then the feminist movement came about, and women began to enjoy independence, both sexually and financially. Then the "sexual revolution" began, and female sexual exploration was not simply tolerated, but encouraged. Then the pendulum of the sexual objectification of women swung the other way, and now a woman is a sexual object not just of one man (her husband) but of any man who may so much as fantasize about her. Just look at the number of scantily clad female pop stars as compared to the percentage of women in positions of real power. This is why we have this relatively recent anomaly of heterosexual women being publicly sexual with one another. Men want to see women be sexual (and the more the merrier) while women base their value and self worth according to how many men are attracted to them. #94, I will concede that straight men may make out with one another for money, but again, they're getting money out of it, not simply sexual attention from women. That only emphasizes my point that the women who participate in such activity base their self worth on their sexual attractiveness. Men don't do it for sexual attention from women, because it would likely result in either disgust or indifference from the women who are watching them. Again, this supports my argument of the warped sexual attitude of modern men. I understand that there are exceptions to this generalization (as there are to all generalizations) but to the best of my knowledge this is typically true.

simplylost643 0

#107- "Sharing interests cannot be compared with sharing sexual interests." How so? An interest is an interest. Just because you do not share a particular interest, does not mean that those who do are "perverted".

107- I just want you to know that I would vote you up but your comment is too damn long for me to be able to vote it on the iPhone app.

#125, Read my exceedingly long comment explaining why sexual interests are different from others and it will answer your question. To put it in basic terms, heterosexual women who engage in homosexual acts are not displaying their true interests but giving into a culture that expects them to be sexual entertainment for men. #138, Thanks! :) I appreciate the sentiment. I have mentally added your thumbs up to my ego count.

107, Thankyou for enlightening us about the "waped sexual nature of modern men". Because in no way do we face this stereotypical stigmatic bullshit every single day. It's not like all men are assumed to be sexual deviants in every aspect of their lives, from being the automatic perpetrators of all sex related crimes to being discriminated against openly by various organisations throughout the modern world. Of course, its the male perceptions of WOMEN that are messed up, all aggregated by men. Thankyou for your bullshit perceptions, now kindly shove them up your ass.

#149, Kindly take your own bias and shove it up your own ass. If you actually read my comment, you would see that no where do I explicitly blame one gender or the other for this recent trend, but rather society as a whole. Also, in my original comment, I said that heterosexual women who publicly engage in homosexual acts have no self respect. Women who encourage this perverse male fantasy are as much to blame (if not more so) as the men who have it. In fact, my own boyfriend has expressed a sexual appreciation of lesbians, but I don't hold it against him because I know it's simply a result of the society in which he was raised and he respected me when I told him that I would absolutely under no circumstances EVER commit a homosexual act for him, unlike he would any heterosexual woman who committed a homosexual act for his entertainment. And that's the irony of it all. Men certainly LIKE women who engage in this perverse activity but they don't RESPECT them. And why should they? Such women have no respect for themselves.

My apologies, you're right, you did suggest the waped sexual nature of modern men was the fault of society. I'm sure that those 4 words suggesting it was the fault of men that we are perceived this way was the basis of my entire point and in no way was I suggesting that this entire concept is a load of bullshit. Also, might I suggest that if your boyfriend were to lack respect for individuals just because they engage in behaviour that he himself expresses an interest in then perhaps you shouldn't speak about him as a victim. There is nothing in that behaviour that suggests a lack of self respect, only your own invalidated opinions perceive it as such.

She can't be straight as an arrow unless in that year the two of you never so much as made out!

Swift4Life 13

What a bitch. I wanna beat people like that till they don't know whats what anymore. Sorry OP.