By Samson - 14/02/2010 08:48 - United States

Today, my girlfriend was really depressed. I listed the top 50 reasons why I love her. Her response was "thanks for that but seriously, this video on youtube is hilarious." I couldn't cheer her up but apparently a 10 second video of a dog running in circles can. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 015
You deserved it 3 734

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're crazy for thinking you can compete with an animal video.

When I'm upset I need humor, not sappy.


levedelente 3

Wait, was it that video "fatty spins"? Because I'll completely understand it if it is. That spinning dog is just too funny!

maddie1 0

hahaha that videos hillarious!!!!!!

12stargirl 0

dogs are the best! way to go dogs!!

abcdefg987 0

oh my god that sucks. break up with her she doesnt deserve you



Hahaha that would so be me! Sometimes a person can't cheer me up but something random and dumb can. XD