By Anonymous - 22/06/2013 07:31 - United States - Piedmont

Today, my girlfriend told me that she feels pregnant. I didn't believe her, given how recently we had sex for the first time, so I told her to take a test to make sure. She's very sure now. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 825
You deserved it 51 339

Same thing different taste

Top comments

well congrats on being a daddy but it doesn't matter if it's the first time you have sex. sex is sex

First time or not, she can still get pregnant...I thought they taught you that in health class.


I call shenanigans!!! If it was less than 4 weeks ago!

#107 every time I bent over I felt a pain in...the area below my stomach just a sharp little flick like pain 3 weeks before my missed period. if you're in tune with your body you'll notice subtle changes.if ur playing with unicorns I'm sure you'd miss it.

Kids theses days... Ever heard of a ******* condom

You can still get pregnant if you use a condom. Nothing but abstinence is 100 % .

xAkonz 10

You know, the sort of people who think that you can't get pregnant from only having sex once are usually the sort of people that really shouldn't breed.

if it was less than 4 weeks since y'all had intercourse it could be someone else's baby!!!!

Congrats but you should have wrapped up before you hit it. Smh

We know our bodies, and she demonstrated.

Be weary if it's been only a short while since you had sex for the first time. Those tests are only accurate if the woman has been pregnant for a month or longer.