By badluckdrew - 01/05/2009 14:28 - United States

Today, my girlfriend's mother called her in the bedroom for a serious talk. I overheard them arguing and yelling at each other. It turns out her mother found a condom next to her garbage. We got caught because her cat swallowed the condom and threw it up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 556
You deserved it 20 632

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How did your cat get a hold of it? I guess stop leaving them around like that. *shrugs*


And everyone called me crazy for locking my used condoms in a safe for later disposal in the sun. Well, who's the disgusting freak now? Who's the disgusting freak now!?!!?

Now, I'm not condoning young people having sex. I personally think you should wait until you're old enough to at least dispose of your condoms properly. But I wonder where all these people want high schoolers to have sex, if not at home.

"caught"... I don't think there's ever been a point in my life when I could be "caught" and possibly get in trouble over it - sex is a healthy activity that should be encouraged :P YDI for not knowing how to dispose of condoms and trying to hold up other people's illusion of a perfect world where nobody has sex.

HAH. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA ew omg thats extra disgusting. i hope you guys still like the cat though.

mosarmini 0

Well if it's a trained cat it should diffrenciate the difference between food and junk, o well guess thats more of an fml for the cat, he ate a used condom that has body fluids on it yikes

koroku_neo 0

...Aaaand that's why you don't throw the condoms out in your house while you're still living with your parents. You should have disposed of it in a dumpster or public garbage can. YDI

because_im_bored 0

Okay, everyone saying "OMG dun have sex in ur parents house den, you shouldn't be an get ur own house!!!" .. you realize people have sex in highschool? And that is never going to change? And that, especially if they're in a committed relationship and using condoms ... there is really nothing wrong with that? Some of you need to exit the rocks your living under, put away your World of Warcraft and experience the real world. That said, **** the cat's life. That's disgusting for him. At least he wasn't hurt. It must've looked nasty, I bet your girlfriend's mom is like WTF is wrong with this guy hahaha.

**** THE CATS LIFE. Do cats have taste buds?

i cant belive how manny people here say go condoms YDI for using condoms...