By Duplighost - 12/01/2012 20:16 - United States

Today, my girlfriend's Marine dad walked in on us fooling around naked. Now we can only hang out with "parental supervision". Oh, and I have to record my visits on a clipboard by the door. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 796
You deserved it 40 108

Same thing different taste

Top comments

No cavity search? You're getting off easy.

Jakesterk96 8

If your girl's worth, it's worth it.


Mkbitch 2

Wow. Instead he should make sure you guys are using condoms and that she's on birth control. Obviously you guys will bone when the opportunity comes up.

hopefully shes hot. she might end up becoming a lesbian now with all that creepiness.

Ironically, there's a phrase to describe this story in military lingo: PISS POOR PLANNING!

beccaruchi 0

That's awkward... I bet he never looks at you the same way

"yes, sir." "adese private, keep your privates away."

ivanhoe4u 3

You're lucky that you're not a soprano now.