By themuffinman - 27/12/2011 15:15 - Japan

Today, my girlfriend referred to her yeast infection as "making bread." I can never look at bread the same way. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 709
You deserved it 3 226

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least she didn't compare it to brewing beer!

Your picture is making me ill. I don't care about your comment, the picture alone deserves a thumbs-down.


gary8082 14

Eat a loaf and a half and you're full

Wythstyles 5

eww after my ex-wives first yeast infection i been scared to even go down on a girl again...i feel for you bro

KiddNYC1O 20

Man, your disappointment and user name together is funny.

chels1994 11

Dammit people. 90% of the time I read these, I'm eating. Can't finish one damn meal around here.

perdix 29

Now, you're going to have to knead your own dough. If you've read all the comments so far, I'll bet you're going to go gluten-free.

Oh my gosh...I was eating a piece of bread while reading this and starting to feel it come back up...I feel for you OP.

brick_man33 14

guess you wont be eating her sandwich for a while.

trippythehippy 6