By larouche362 - 08/06/2016 03:01 - United States - Weare

Today, my girlfriend of 2 years broke up with me because I wouldn't make my senior quote, "I love my girlfriend more than anything." FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 934
You deserved it 1 345

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Honestly, she was probably just using that as an excuse, and wanted to break up with you anyway. If it wasn't, then I'm sorry that you were with someone so self-centered. Either way, sorry your life sucks OP


Honestly, she was probably just using that as an excuse, and wanted to break up with you anyway. If it wasn't, then I'm sorry that you were with someone so self-centered. Either way, sorry your life sucks OP

Well that escalated quickly... sorry, OP. I'm sure you must be pretty confused. I don't know your girlfriend, but she sounds overly dramatic.

Ew she must be the type that loves to go on your Facebook and say "hackeddd! Love yew :*" If she's that insecure and willing to break up over that she's not worth your time; sorry you've wasted 2 years already.

I'd lock your doors at night...just to be safe lol sorry OP

I would have seen how she reacts to asking her to make her quote "i love my boyfriend more than anything", if she was down for that then you know she bat shit crazy, if she didn't want to then you know she a narcissistic bitch Either way, i would have ran the hell away from her

she was just seeing how pussy whipped you were before she dumped you. can you imagine that conversation at every single high school reunion...

burgermike92 17

No. She's just a bitch. Simple as that.

While I do not know the entire history - it sounds like you just got a lucky break and escaped the clutches of a clinger. Enjoy your new found freedom

Good for you for standing your ground, dude.