By kneesarethenewdesk - 19/08/2009 22:38 - United Kingdom

Today, my girlfriend jumped, naked, onto my computer desk, with the intention of having sex on it. A new, £250 computer desk, broken beyond repair. And we didn't even have sex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 309
You deserved it 7 685

Same thing different taste

Top comments

apparenly your computer desk isn't the only thing that's 250 pounds...

Eh, at least she had good intentions. : lol


You have a horny girlfriend. No, your life does NOT suck, dude. My life sucks. :(

Weren't you expecting that from a fat chick?

To all of the idiots claiming that the OP's girlfriend is fat, like many have said, jumping INCREASES your weight by a whole lot at the moment you are landing. So don't assume.

Get a replacement, then see if you can exchange the desk for a new one.

Jumping on the desk is ******* stupid. But then again, willing sex is not. So yeah, your life is ******, but not entirely.

This is not an FML, learn to appreciate your girl, you british ****! She wanted to please you. Otherwise, just say goodbye and ship her my way haha