By kneesarethenewdesk - 19/08/2009 22:38 - United Kingdom

Today, my girlfriend jumped, naked, onto my computer desk, with the intention of having sex on it. A new, £250 computer desk, broken beyond repair. And we didn't even have sex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 309
You deserved it 7 685

Same thing different taste

Top comments

apparenly your computer desk isn't the only thing that's 250 pounds...

Eh, at least she had good intentions. : lol


thats not very expensive.. you deserved it for being cheap..

what u should be thinking is "I basically paid £250 to not have sex. A prostitute would have been much much cheaper lol

Wait a minute, isnt this like the situation the girl should be fml'in about?

"Today I tried to get my boyfriend to have sex with me on his new desk. Too bad he didn't put it together right and it broke. Now my ass hurts and my boyfriend wouldn't have sex with me. FML"

lizziemcguireee 0

I am a Chinese,this's the first time I visit a foreign website,so... By the way,I don't know what "you deserve it" means too...

how much does she wiegh? lol ydi get a skinnyer girlfriend

Cupcake10 0

Unless she wanted to have sex with her(fat)self how the hell did she expect the BOTH of you to do it on any surface less sturdy than a bed, or floor, or couch, or countertop, or car backseat or...dammit, where's my boyfriend.


FYL? More like F your girlfriend's life, how embarassing...

you british and your silly name for money, pounds ha ha ha. : P oh and sorry about the computer