By Baconcook3000 - 23/07/2011 11:00 - United Kingdom

Today, my girlfriend broke up with me because I put 7 kisses at the end of a text instead of 10. She said that our relationship was bound to fail if "I can't remember important things like that". FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 821
You deserved it 6 145

Same thing different taste

Top comments


dodged a bullet, thats one crazy ass bitch right there

personally I think my bf is gay for putting xxx at the end of messages. must be a uk thing.

if she gets mad about something like that, then she's obviously not the one for you.

that's what happens when you date from the kiddie pool

I don't know what's worse the fact that you only put 7 or that you have to put kisses at all. what are you dating a 12 year old? I hope the sex is worth 10 kisses but apparently not. or it could be the lamest excuse ever to break up with your sorry candy ass ya Nancy Boy.