By Anonymous - 20/05/2009 18:34 - United States

Today, my friend and I decided to wear a new red lipstick. The guy I like turned around, looked at her and said, "Red is a really interesting, sexy color. Pretty bold. Not bad." and he smiled. I waited, smiling also, only for him frown and say, "Your teeth are REALLY yellow." FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 072
You deserved it 17 582

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Damarys 0

Firstly, I think red is a really sexy color no matter the woman. But unfortunately, it's only magazine-pretty if you have fabulous white teeth.

rssffff08 0

crest white strips work miracles


you should do something about that.

thattickles 0

FYI i don't think you're gonna be getting with the guy you like any time soon if he dissed you to your face like that, especially if you're always hanging with THAT friend. Guys will compare you two all the time and think of you as the ugly one. Find uglier friends so you can be the pretty one. and He's a jerk anyway.

thats so messed up i habve the same problem with my riend i think the guy i like likes my friend, it turns out he just is a player and flirts with every girl forget about that guy he likes your friend prob not you hes a jerk

Kaitlynlovesyou2 0

Oh dauym that sucks! haha, but i dont have any sympathy for you.

squeaksx24 0
pencilmustache 0


if this fml really happened, you should have just cut strangled him right then and there for saying that.

That's a real asshole thing to say, whether your teeth are yellow or not it's not called for. But, sympathy aside, you should get to work on cleaning up your teeth. Not to be insulting or anything but badly maintained teeth are a pretty major turn-off and it's something you can easily take care of. I wouldn't even bother with the strips, most of them suck, try crest pro-health whitening toothpaste that shit works great