By xOdaatx - 26/09/2011 13:01 - Australia

Today, my fiancé told me his ex-wife was 5 weeks pregnant. I was happy for her, and glad she had finally moved on. Until I found out who the father was. They're moving back in together, for the baby's sake. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 489
You deserved it 3 044

Same thing different taste

Top comments

every1luvsboners 11

Did she come over and steal his sperm then artificially inseminate herself? That's the only logical explanation because there's no way that he would cheat on you.


So now is when you make him an Ex-fiancé! Do it now or regret it later honey.

Unlucky1232 20

that's the worse thing they could do. They clearly don't love each other and that means them being together will only mentally damage the kid. i know from experience

Sorry to hear it, OP. Finding out the person you love/loved wasn't everything you saw or trusted them to be is hard. But at the very least be thankful it happened when it did. Those nasty piece of works deserve eachother and you deserve better.

SKYstlimit 11

he's a cheating arse then, you're better off without him

He was unfaithful when he knows he was supposed to be marrying you. You deserve better than that, and this is actually a good thing, as much as it likely hurts. If she hadn't gotten pregnant, he's already cheated and likely would continue to do so. Be you, and you'll find better :)