By Username - 14/03/2011 06:53

Today, my ex-girlfriend moved out. I came back to a sparsely furnished home, she even took the shower head, my beard trimmer, and the soap from the bathroom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 086
You deserved it 5 656

Same thing different taste

Top comments

she took your beard trimmer so she could shave her own beard.

Should had been there, OP. I can't believe you trusted her! She's your ex for a reason, remember that.


well I can only assume you deserve it. you must have done something awful!

Boners, that's what I was thinking. Haha =] If it was one of those detachable/extendible ones, then there's no doubt. Those things can work wonders.

At least she knows you won't be picking up any girls for awhile, at least until you go shopping! That was all a part of her master plan.. The grunge look only works for about a day. I guess that could backfire on her too, though. "Hey gorgeous, can I use your shower?" I'm sure SOME drunk chick at a bar would go for that. Then things could really get steamy. ;-]

And maybe been there while she did would have been a good idea. As for the beard trimmer, just tell people she needs it more than you ;)

clashatdemonhead 3

dude, she needs something to trim her beard/pubes.

Your defiantly leaving something out a girl would never act that way unless you were unfaithful and you owed her a shit load of money because she paid for everything and to pay her back she took it all with her enough said. guys are douchebags.

ulicksam 0

And that statement proves you're the douche. Some women are just bitches who think they can do whatever they want. If they don't have a reason, they'll find one like "you must have been unfaithful" or "you must owe her money". They'll even make up a reason for another woman they know nothing about. Sound familiar? Not everything is a man's fault.

A girl would never act that way unless SHE FELT you were unfaithful and SHE FELT you owed her a shit load of money because SHE FELT she paid for everything and to pay her back she took it all with her enough said. She could be right... but Estrogen is a self absorbed illogical bitch that reasons in circles.

fthku 13

#94, what are you talking about, she's not a douche. She's just making assumptions without ANY knowledge whatsoever regarding the OP, based on his gender, making generalisations about said gender while saying hers is infallible and that it's impossible for them to do anything "bad" unless they had a good reason, and ends her argument with a generalisation of the entire male population in the world. Oh... Interesting to see how in these reverse situations, there aren't millions of people thumbing her down and telling her to live in a cave. :D

misspinkpokadot 0

shouldn't that be considered stealing?

m1ssophiebee 0